Total Restoration Church
SUPER Church
Mission and Vision Statement
SUPER Church Mission Statement
Serve God Daily
Understand God’s Word
Pray for Others
Encourage, love, and serve others like Jesus did
Remember that we serve a SUPER God!
SUPER Church Vision Statement
A SUPER church with SUPER kids that serve a SUPER God!
Welcome to Total Restoration
SUPER Church Children’s Ministry!
We look forward to working with you during your child’s time in SUPER Church. Our children’s ministry team at TRC is committed to partnering with families to establish and nurture young disciples so that their knowledge and love of Christ grows into a mature faith. It is our goal using the Word of God through our creative curriculum to emphasize a strong relationship with Christ. We want our children to learn ways of sharing the gospel and to serve others within their home, church, school, community and the world. We hope through these efforts we can grow young disciples to be Faith Giants and mighty Warriors in the kingdom!
We desire for your child to have a great experience at SUPER Church. The Bible tells us in Psalm 127:3 that ‘children are a gift from the Lord’. As parents/guardians, you are a significant part of your child’s education and whole being. Parental interest, involvement, reinforcement, and guidance are important to each child’s success. It is essential that we work together to help our children discover their purpose, talents, and gifts in order to reach their highest God-given potential.
Thank you for entrusting us with your child(ren). We look forward to working with you. If there is ever anything that we can do to assist you, please just ask.
SUPER Church Faith Giants: Faith Giants are children 4 years of age to 2nd grade.
SUPER Church Warriors: Warriors are children 3rd grade to 5th grade.